
United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE)

Freemasonry in England is overseen by the United Grand Lodge of England, which is a product of the union of the Premier Grand Lodge of England, which formed in 1717, and the Antient Grand Lodge of England, which formed later in the eighteenth century in reaction to perceived innovations in English Freemasonry. 

It oversees some 200,000 masons across England and some overseas territories and is led by the Grand Master, currently His Royal Highness Prince Edward, Duke of Kent.

Universities Scheme

Tetragon Lodge is proud to be a part of the Universities Scheme, an initiative of Grand Lodge, This was set up at the beginning of 2005 with the objective: ‘To establish and/or enhance arrangements and opportunities for undergraduates and other university members to enjoy Freemasonry. 

The scheme is currently made up of fifty-five lodges, seventeen of which are based in London, and there is much fraternal inter-visiting between these lodges, as well as a biennial conference.

Metropolitan Grand Lodge

Freemasonry in London is overseen by the Metropolitan Grand Lodge which was founded in 2003 (London lodges having hitherto been under the direct authority of Grand Lodge). It currently supports over 1,400 lodges and 40,000 masons and oversees charitable appeals and other campaigns across the city.

The Connaught Club

The Connaught Club has been founded to give young Freemasons in London a means to meet and socialise, with like-minded people of similar ages, who might otherwise be dispersed over London’s many Lodges and large geographic area.

Membership of the Club is open to any Freemason under 35 years of age, whose Lodge/Chapter is under Metropolitan Grand Lodge or who lives/works within London.