Becoming a Freemason

Step one: Getting in touch

Prospective candidates are usually introduced to the Lodge either by existing members or via the University Scheme. Some may also contact us directly via this website. In all cases the application process remains the same and the same three conditions apply:

  • They must be men of good character (i.e. having committed no crime or offence which we would consider incompatible with being a Freemason).
  • They must be at least eighteen years of age (although dispensations are required for candidates under the age of twenty-one) 
  • They must profess a belief in a Supreme Being (see FAQ for more details regarding this point).

We also stress that masonry has a cost. Prospective candidates should be aware of this and able to afford it comfortably (though a discount to candidates and members under the age of twenty-five is offered). The treasurer will send prospective candidates a document that fully outlines the cost involved in advance of their initiation. As a rule of thumb, the yearly fee of a typical London Lodge such as Tetragon is somewhere in the region of £150.

Step two: Meeting the members of the Lodge

Prospective candidates are invited to meet some members of the Lodge for informal chats so that we can get a chance to know each other better and can answer any questions regarding freemasonry in general and the lodge in particular. On the one hand, it enables the lodge to set out the expectations it has of its members (and those of masonry more widely); on the other, it gives the prospective candidate the chance to see if a) freemasonry is for them and b) the particular lodge is one that they wish to be a part of.

Step three: Submitting an application form

After a number of informal interviews and chats the prospective candidate may decide to join the Lodge. This is a personal decision which has to be taken freely and therefore Freemasons will never ask anyone to join. 

The candidate for Initiation has to fill in and submit a rather simple form which is read out during a regular lodge meeting. They also require a proposer and seconder into the lodge. While for some, there might be obvious choice (a friend who is already in the lodge for instance), in cases where you might not already know people in the lodge, members who they have got to know over the course of previous meetings are usually happy to act in these capacities.

Once this process is completed, the Candidate can be initiated at any subsequent regular meeting of the Lodge.